20-Minute Hip Opener Yoga Class

This class is all about our hips! I created this class at the request of one of my students, but by the end everyone was so grateful for it, so I had to share it here, too. We’re going to get into the back of the legs (yes, your hamstrings impact your hips), hip flexors, inner thigh/groin, and outer hips.

I don’t think I’ve met anyone that feels super flexible in all four of these major areas (if you are, kudos to you!). You might love some of these postures, and really dislike others. That’s ok! Full disclosure, the last posture in the class is one of my least favorites because it feels so intense for me. I might be smiling in this blog thumbnail photo, but trust me, I’m screaming on the inside. But guess what? That’s also an indicator I should probably do this stretch more often. All that to say, you’re definitely not alone if you find this class both challenging and very rewarding once you’ve finished it. I’m sure it will be one you’ll want to bookmark and save to come back to again and again. Enjoy!

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A Thanksgiving Weekend Yoga Class


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