Sun Salutation Breakdown

Let’s do some sun salutations together.

Throughout the month of March I led an Intro to Yoga series on Zoom with my sisters, sister-in-law and a few close friends. They’d been wanting to try yoga for a while, and asked if I could cover some of the basics. It was a really fun way for them to try out the poses in a low-risk environment (aka their homes), and the best part, we could actually pause to break down poses.

Man oh man, I wish I could have stopped the teacher during some of my first yoga classes and asked for clarification instead of cranking my neck around searching for someone in the room that looked like they knew what they were doing (whether they actually did or not) and try to mimic them. Spoiler: mimicking how others look in a pose is helpful, but only to a certain extent. Why? Because all of our bodies are different! What feels really good in my body, may feel terrible in yours. And that’s totally natural and ok! As a yogi, you should ask questions. Alright, maybe not mid-class, but definitely afterwards. Talk to your teachers about certain postures, ask for alternate options, modifications, or how to use props to support you. As a teacher, I love talking to my students, so if you’re in class with me, ask away!

Anyway, here is a video I created taking my beginner yogis through a sun salutation. This was after our first Zoom session, and they used the video to practice on their own between sessions. Whether you’ve done 1 sun salutation in your life, or 1000, there is always something new to learn when you’re led by a different teacher. Enjoy!


Yoga for Hamstrings