Yoga for Building Self-Trust

This class is focused on how we begin to build trust in ourselves, our bodies, our intuition, and our voice. This has been challenging for me lately, especially with all of the recent Supreme Court rulings. It’s felt like I’ve lost control of my body and lost my voice. I was suddenly hesitating to speak my truth in fear of offending someone else. Yes, I know, it’s crazy to think that a fear of offending someone would get in the way of fighting for fundamental rights and other important issues, but it’s the truth. Maybe your root fear is different, but we’ve likely all faced times when our gut told us one thing, or we wanted to speak our mind, but something stopped us from trusting ourselves enough to follow through.

The recent Supreme Court rulings also got me reflecting on an amazing book I recently read by Ethan Zuckerman called Mistrust: Why Losing Faith In Institutions Provides The Tools To Transform Them. Even if you’re not a social science nerd like me, you’ll like the book if you’ve caught yourself wondering, ‘how in the world did we get here?’ and ‘where do we go from here?’. He gives a detailed decades long overview of policy changes and their correlations to trust levels in different institutions. Spoiler: Americans’ trust in government is at an all time low at less than 20%. It seemed trust in myself was low, as well as my trust in the entire socioeconomic system around me.

However, there’s a lot we can personally do to impact change, and I had to start by establishing higher levels of trust in myself. In yoga, this may mean building more trust in our bodies and our capabilities to try new poses. Off the mat, it may mean trusting our intuition, or trusting that we have an important message to share with others. When we build trust in ourselves, it can have ripple effects into other areas of our lives, so I hope this practice helps you move through whatever may be holding you back and allow you to begin building more self-trust.

If you’d like to use my curated playlist for this yoga flow, you can find it on Spotify. The playlist is titled: Yoga Flow Trust.

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