Yoga for Slowing Down

This class is all about accepting the invitation to slow down. This, admittedly, is a challenge for me. I recently had family visit us in Reno from the Midwest, and we typically fill the time with trips to Lake Tahoe, hikes, exploring the city, etc. This visit we slowed way down and simply enjoyed our time at home. We chatted over coffee until it was almost time to grab lunch, and post-dinner conversation slowly became drinks and late night board games. It was amazing! But I had to get out of my go-go-go mindset to embrace this invitation to slow down. I invite you to do the same in this practice.

The playlist for this practice can be found on Spotify. Playlist name: “Yoga Flow Slow Down”. This playlist is quite a bit longer than this video class, so I recommend skipping ahead to the last song for savasana.

I post a new video every Sunday. Please subscribe on YouTube, like, comment, and share! Thanks!


An Efficient Yoga Flow


Yoga for Risk-Taking