Yoga To Check-In With Yourself

Often in life, we take note of how we feel, but we stop there. We don’t ask why we’re feeling a certain way or what we can do it make it better, we simply notice and move on. Don’t get me wrong, noticing how we’re feeling is a great first step, but when we’re stressed, anxious, tired, or overwhelmed, it’s important to go one step further.

This week I was sharing with a friend how tired I was, and she asked why. It was the exact pause I needed to go that extra step. Sure enough, I had overloaded my schedule. I had three class presentations for grad school, and I was subbing 3 yoga classes for another instructor on top of the 4 classes I teach every week. No wonder I was tired! With this new insight, I stopped being frustrated with myself for feeling tired, and instead found a morning to clear my schedule and just relax. I’m sure you can guess, but that was exactly what I needed. I felt so much better, but I couldn’t have gotten there without checking-in with myself, listening to my body, and then doing something to make a change.

I hope this class allows you to check-in, and not only notice how you feel, but figure out why you feel that way and if there’s anything you can do to make yourself feel a bit better. Maybe this class is the first step!

I recommend putting on your favorite yoga playlist. If you don't have one, check out my public playlists on Spotify.

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Yoga That’s Just For You


30-Minute Yoga Flow